Together with chocolatier Laurent Gerbaud, Happiness Brussels and the Foundation against Cancer launch the 'Sweet Reminder': a praline that's quite unusual, not only because of its shape - a tiny turd- , but also because of its purpose. It’s a praline that can save lives, because it serves as a sweet reminder for people to get themselves tested for colon cancer.

Colon cancer is one of the most frequent and lethal cancers in Belgium. In 2013 alone nearly 3000 people lost their lives to this cancer. That’s almost 10 people per day en 3 times more victims than traffic causes. Nevertheless colon cancer remains a taboo and causes shame with patients. So the goal of the campaign is getting people to participate in screenings. The Sweet Reminder is made with 70% cacao and is filled with a ganache of prunes. Send this delicious praline to your loves ones over 56 and who knows, it might save their lives. Order the praline for free on www.kanker.be/sweetreminder